Your roof should boost your curb appeal and protect your property from environmental hazards, but you don’t necessarily want to shell out lots of money. The good news is that you have an affordable option that checks all your other boxes, too! Phillips Residential Roofing completes asphalt shingle roofing installations for clients throughout Flat Rock, Southgate, Monroe, MI or Toledo, OH.
Our team will handle the entire project from start to finish, so you can have a beautiful new roof in no time. Plus, we do repairs if you already have asphalt shingle roofing. Speak with our team about your needs today.
You’re sure to love all the benefits that come with asphalt shingle roofing. These include…
You’ll be able to see for yourself why this is such a popular roofing material. Learn more about our asphalt shingle roofing services by reaching out today.
New ParagErie, MI 48133raph